There is a saying in the South African Ubuntu Teachings that goes:
„If you wanna walk fast, walk alone. If you wanna walk far, walk together“.
Join our struggle on March 21st 2022 for a life without racism in Thuringia!
Whether at school, at work or in public: racism is part of everyday life. A life in which people are being insulted, threatened, attacked and, in the worst case, murdered. A life, in which racism is stuck in the police, in the justice system or in other authorities. A life, in which people who seek protection are confronted with a disregard for their basic human rights.
For those affected, the experience of racism, violence and repression on different levels has become part of „normal life“. A life, in which it has become normal to be afraid that friends and family will be picked up to be forcefully deported in their countries of origin where their lives are in danger. A life that means children may be confronted with racist violence.
While a big part of mainstream society not affected by racism ignores that racism exists in everyday life, a lot of those affected by racism struggle that these life-threatening issues become the attention the issue deserves. They have to confront these issues in order to get the representation they so necessarily need. It takes a lot of courage to make these painful experiences and their dramatic consequences seen and heard. It takes a lot of strength to develop anti-racist strategies that help those affected and their loved ones in everyday life. A life, in which they are often left alone by state authorities and citizens around them, which thereby become part of the problem.
It is about time to hear the perspectives and demands of those affected and their friends, neighbours and allies in their struggle against racism, to show concrete support and to guarantee equal participation. It is time, to unlearn racism. It is time to recognize racism as a deeply rooted and structural problem in our society – a society in which we are all shaped and influenced by racist thinking patterns. It is time to recognize racism as your problem, too. It is time to act and to break the silence.
As activists affected by racism, anti-racist activists and civil organisations from Thuringia, we appeal to you to use the International Day Against Racism on 21st of March 2022 for a public debate on the issue of racism.
We call for your participation in decentral events and actions in the whole of Thuringia, in the confrontation of the silent majority with the racist conditions in Thuringia and in the demand for decisive action by those responsible in politics, state authorities and society. Let us act together – angrily, in solidarity and decisively and not just one day a year – so that finally things can change!
Network „Internationaler Tag gegen Rassismus 2022 Thüringen“ //